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talk about how much you hate capulats and the plan for the next day

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Q: Imagine you are Tybalt. write a short diary entry after the Capulet ball to show your feeling?
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Tey are both awseome because I have them both.

How do you start off a journal entry?

With what the date is. Or how your day went. Or what your feeling when your writing the journal. Or Dear, Diary

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an dairy extract is where you do a diary about yourself and what you like to do while you are out of school or what you like to do in school.

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If it happened in real life, recall what happened and how you felt. If it is a fictional event, imagine what would happen and imagine how you might have felt. Then, write a short entry.

What did anne think about going into hidding?

anne thought that she is betraying her people and she had a terrible feeling about this and she also wrote how she felt in her diary.

When did anne write in her diary?

Anna Frank wrote her diary because in those days people couldn't maybe express their feeling on facebook and twitter so they wrote a diary. If you think it was war time and Anne Frank got that diary for her birthday so it was a memory for Anne Frank not just because she could write what was happening it was her memory from whoever got the diary from her. I hope my answer has helped you. x

Anne Frank uses her diary as a?

Anne Frank used her diary as a way to express the way she was feeling while being shut off from the outside world, while living in the Secret Annex. Her diary reflects that of a teenage girl wanting to learn more about the world and looking forward to her future.

Is '' The Diary of Anne Frank '' a biography?

Anne Frank used her diary as a way to express the way she was feeling while being shut off from the outside world, while living in the Secret Annex. Her diary reflects that of a teenage girl wanting to learn more about the world and looking forward to her future.

How can you make a diary of one of the characters in the story Dance for the Devil by Edward McCourt that explains the end of the story?

First, you read the story. Then, you pretend you are one of the characters in that story and imagine what they would write in their diary about the end of that story. It's just a matter of make-believe.

What to do after the very beginning imagine teacher?

u go 2 the diary fill in drag subjects into the places you want them to be then press the tick then go to the door and press class.

How do you write a mermaid diary?

To write a mermaid diary, imagine you are a mermaid and describe your daily experiences, emotions, and thoughts in a journal format. Include details about your underwater life, interactions with marine creatures, and any adventures you go on. Use vivid imagery and sensory details to bring your mermaid world to life on the pages.

How do you get started on imagine teacher?

Well 1st you have to go to the diary and drag and drop the lessons which you would like onto the week timetable. Then you click on the door and it automatically starts. Hope this helps.