You would only be likely to get herpes if your mother had genital herpes and you caught the infection when she had an outbreak at the time of birth. Most people don't get herpes at birth, even if their mothers are infected.
Born in California in 1959, she began ballet lessons when she was 7; her mom thought it would help her to overcome her shyness. I enclose a link to an excellent biography of Evelyn Cisneros's life.
The cast of Romeo and Juliet with Herpes - 2009 includes: Eric Carberry as Romeo Elizabeth Kirkland as Juliet
your mom! or zac efron
Well, since it is 2010 my mom would have been born in 1972.
Yes he has genital warts, and herpes from when he shagged Your mom.
of corse how would she be born
Someone who is having unprotected sex would be at risk for contracting herpes. Oral herpes can also be transmitted by contact with the infected area.
yes he did how else would he be born with out a lady there
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i think herpes is a virus which would need antivirals.
1856 <---------------- stupid answer!!!!!!! Alexander graham was born in 1847 so how would his mom be born after him This is the real info: Born in 1809 at Forton, England. Died in 1897 at Washington, D.C.
No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.
The cast of West Nile Herpes - 2011 includes: Landen Celano as Roommate Susannah Hart Jones as Dr. Stevens Rachael Sousa as Roommates Mom
A person has to be infected with the herpes virus (type 1) to get a cold sore.
Arturo S. Mom was born in 1893.