Five days after Wednesday is Monday. So if Monday is the day after tomorrow, today is Saturday.
Friday! (tomorrow)
Does the calendar say December 24th today? If it does, Christmas is tomorrow.Christmas is on December 25. Whether it is tomorrow is dependent on the place of residence.
Today = Tuesday Tomorrow = Wednesday The day after tomorrow = Thursday One day before the day after tomorrow = Wednesday
His horse was called Friday and he got there on wednesday
No, tomorrow is not Friday.
If tomorrow is Sunday, then today is Saturday. Therefore, yesterday was Friday.
Monday. If yesterday was Friday, then today is Saturday and the day after tomorrow is Monday.
If today is tomorrow, then yesterday's tomorrow is today.Another answer: Yesterday's tomorrow is today. This is a fact. This is reality.But if what we think is today is really tommorow, then we are a day behind! So rather than yesterday's tomorrow being today, 'yesterday's tomorrow' must be one more day than today, i.e. it must be tomorrow!
Today is Friday
If you are reading this today, it is Wednesday, however, if you are reading it tomorrow then today is Thursday; or if you are reading it on tomorrow's tomorrow, today is Friday; but then again, reading it on tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow, today is Saturday, and so on. So depending when you are reading this relative to when I wrote it, today is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. However, if you look at the history for this question, you will see that I am writing this on the 6th of June 2012 and today (whilst I am writing it) is Wednesday.
Today would be Monday
In the UK Good Friday is a Bank Holiday, so no post today, you will get your normal delivery tomorrow though.
This scenario occurred on Friday.