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Whichever one you connect to the positive terminal.

The colors are there so you can find the same wire at the other end.

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Q: If speaker wire is silver and copper which one is positive?
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Is the silver speaker wire copper?

Yes; it is tinned copper.

Is the gold or copper wire or the silver wire positive?

It doesn't really matter, as long as you connect them to the same polarity at both ends. Most people use the gold or reddish-copper wire as the positive, as it is the red terminal and the silver, or non-colored lead to the negative as it is black.

How do you wire stereo speakers?

The new speakers come with un-stripped copper wires..... you need a pair of wire strippers.... i put in kenwood speakers and the size of the wire was 14 somethin. you would need to get a wire diagram for you car/truck to see the colors of the positive and negative wires. then look on the aftermarket speaker box to see which wire is negative and which one is positive.... After you would do all this, just match up negative to negative and positive to positive. simple as that. I'd recommend wire nutting the wires or electrical taping them... but DO NOT put all four wires together. that will mess your speakers' sound up completely. wire nut the positives together and then wire nut the negatives together.

Can you replace Ni-chrome wire with silver or copper wire?

No. Ni-Chrome wire is resistance wire used in pottery and as a heating element for pyrotechnics. There is no application for Home Theater for this wire.

Which speaker wire is positive white stripe?

It actually does not matter as long as you are consistent. Most people choose to use the white stripe as positive, but it is definately not a rule.

Related questions

You have copper and silver speaker wire and the silver has writing on it Which one is positive?

The copper wire is typically positive. However, the best way to determine which is positive and negative is by referring to the user manual or guide that came with the speakers. The writing on the silver wire is likely there to indicate which wire is positive.

Is the silver speaker wire copper?

Yes; it is tinned copper.

Which is better to use for positive on speaker wire silver or copper?

It doesn't matter both wires are made of copper. The only difference in colour is to keep the polarity the same throughout the system. Pick which colour you want to make positive and use it on all of the positive terminals.

Is the gold or copper wire or the silver wire positive?

It doesn't really matter, as long as you connect them to the same polarity at both ends. Most people use the gold or reddish-copper wire as the positive, as it is the red terminal and the silver, or non-colored lead to the negative as it is black.

Which speaker wire is positive?

The speaker wire with a red stripe or marking is typically the positive wire.

How do you tell a positive speaker wire from a negative speaker wire?

The positive speaker wire is a solid color, your negative wire should have a stripe on it.

Can you hook up 4 speakers to a 2 channel amp?

take the positive from speaker A and twist the copper wire together with the positive wire from speaker B. then take those two (positive) wires from A and B and put it in Channel 1 positive terminal. then take the negative from speaker A and twist the copper wire together with the negative wire from speaker B. take those two (negative) wires and put them in the negative terminal under channel 1. then do the same for your other 2 speakers, except in channel 2

What is the color of speaker cable?

Speaker cable can have an insulator that could be any color. The wire inside is typically silver, copper or gold colored.

Is the copper wire positive or negative?

copper is positive

What are the positive and negative speaker wire colors on a 2008 pathfinder?

The positive speaker wire is red while the negative speaker wire is black on a 2008 pathfinder.

Stereo wiring diagram for a 1998 Toyota Tacoma?

1998 Toyota Tacoma Stereo Wiring InformationRadio Battery Constant 12v+ Wire: Blue/YellowRadio Accessory Switched 12v+ Wire: GrayRadio Ground Wire: BrownRadio Illumination Wire: GreenLeft Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): PinkLeft Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): PurpleRight Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): GreenRight Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): BlueLeft Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): BlackLeft Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): YellowRight Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): RedRight Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): White

Does anyone have the RADIO wiring guide for a 2002 gEO Chevy Tracker?

Battery Constant 12v+ Wire: WhiteAccessory Switched 12v+ Wire: White/BlackGround Wire: BlackIllumination Wire: Red/YellowDimmer Wire: Red/GreenAntenna Trigger Wire: PinkLeft Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): WhiteLeft Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): Black/BlueRight Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): BlueRight Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): White/RedLeft Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): Light GreenLeft Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): Light Green/BlackRight Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): GrayRight Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): Gray/Black