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I'm really surprised no one has answered this yet. This was a favorite of mine when I was a kid. They built a special set that was attached to a giant motor which turned the room while the camera was attached to the set itself. You can see while Fred leans into the turns of the room and makes the transitions. My kids just watched the clip just now on YouTube and are watching me type this now as they ask "how did they do that?" I almost hate to ruin the magic of it by providing this answer. Lionel Ritchie did it too. Look it up.

Here's a video that really clearly shows how they did it:

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Q: How was Fred Astaire's Famous Ceiling Dance done?
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Fred Astaire. He tap DANCED on the ceiling

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Ginger Rogers was known for her singing and acting but mostly for her many movies and dance scenes with Fred Astaire.

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Fred Traguth has written: 'Modern jazz dance' -- subject(s): Jazz dance, Exercise

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How can you find more information about the Fred Astaire dance studio?

The Fred Astaire Dance Studio official website features information about the company. Visitors can learn where the nearest dance studio is located as well as what is offered.

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