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Spooling usually involves saving temporary data to memory or hard drive. A common use of spooling is to format a print job in the computer before sending it to the printer. The print spool holds data until the printer is ready to accept it.

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Marta Bins

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12y ago

its nothing but temporary storage of data in queue and make this data available to all devices which wants to share it and processed it.and spooling is the technique through which device get time to processed all the data which submitted to it.because user wants his/her works immediate but devices need some time to processed that data especially user can easily done his/her job by submitting all his data in the queue and this queue is responsible for providing data to devices after complete their jobs.

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13y ago

Spooling is putting jobs in a buffer area, whether in memory or on disk, where they can be accessed when a device is ready. For example, print jobs are spooled to a buffer to be printed when the printer is ready.

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15y ago

Spooling refers to a process of transferring data by placing it in a temporary working area where another program may access it for processing at a later point in time.

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Q: How spooling work in operating system?
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What is spooling in operating system with diagram?

spooling is a term used in computers and it means place an operation that is being run by the operating system in a temporary are until another action is taken. For example sending a print job from your computer to the printer. The operating system places the sent job in a temporary folder until action is taken by the printer. Thanks

Use of spooling in batch operating systems?

Spooling in Batch Poerating System utilise the CPU(prevents watage of time) as when no job batch remain to execute by CPU.Spooling is Simultaneous Peripheral Operation Online.

What is the full form of 'spooling' in operating system?

Spooling stands for Simultaneous Peripheral Operations Online. It is a technique used in operating systems to manage input/output (I/O) operations between fast devices (like the CPU) and slow devices (like printers or card readers).

What is the difference between online spooling and offline spooling?

in off line spooling user has no interface with systems it strongly used in Batch system' mean's that you submit your request to system , system will cmputing and print result of request without interface with user.

What do you mean by spooling?

Spooling is a way of buffering something through a file. If you directly access the printer with a program, then the program is tied up until printing is finished. But you could send the output of the program to a file and the operating system can send it to the printer as needed in the background.

What are the techniques for device management in operating system?

1.dedicated 2.shared 3.virtual 4.spooling 5.channels 6.control unit

What is spooling in Linux?

Spooling refers to a process of transfering data by placing it in temporary working area whereanother program may access it for processing at a later point in time. 'Spool ' can refer to theaction of a storage device that incorporates a physical spool or reel, such as tape drive.For eg:- A printer can serve only one job at a time, several applications may wish to print theiroutput concurrently, without having their output mixed together. The operating system solvesthis problem by intercepting all output to the printer. Each applications's output is Spooledto a separate disk file. When an application finishes printing, the spooling system queues thecorresponding spool file for output to the printer. The spooling system copies the queued spoolfiles to the printer one at a time.In some operating system, spooling is managed by a system daemon process. In other operatingsystems, it is handled by an in-kennel thread.In either case, the operating system provides a control interface that enables users and systemadministrators to display the queue, to remove unwanted jobs before those jobs print to suspendprinting while the printer is serviced, and so on.Some devices, such as tape drives and printers, cannot usefully multiplex the I/O requests ofmultiple concurrent applications. Spooling is one way that operating systems can coordinateconcurrent output. Another way to deal with concurrent device access is to provide explicitfacilities for coordination.Some operating systems (including VMS) provide support for exclusive device access, byenabling a process to allocate an idle device, and to deallocate that device when it is no longerneeded. Other operating systems enforce a limit of one open file handle to such a device.Many operating systems provide functions that enable processes to coordinate exclusive accessamong themselves. For instance, Windows NT provides system calls to wait until a deviceobject becomes available. It also has a parameter to the open () system call that declares thetypes of access to be permitted to other concurrent threads. On these systems, it is up to theapplications to avoid deadlock.THE SPOOLING MECHANISMThe entire key to spooling is a synchronous processing, where the program is not constrained bythe speed of slow devices, particularly printers.Printers are relatively slow peripherals. In comparison, disc devices and particularly CPU'sare orders of magnitude faster. Without spooling print data, the speed of program operationis constrained by the slowest device, commonly printers, forcing the program to wait for themechanical motion of the printer, the program is known as "print bound'.

What is the use of spooling in batch operating systems?

Like a spool or a "print spooler", this suggests that spooling orders tasks in a linear fashion to be quickly executed in a sequential manner rather than multitasking several at once.

Spooling is necessary in batch processing system?

Not necessarily. It depends on what you are processing.

Will flatout 2 for windows work for mac?

Games written for the Windows operating system require the Windows operating system to work. If the Mac has Windows installed on it then it will work otherwise it will not work.

Why is spooling necessary for batch programming?

advantage of spooling

When moved from vista to an Mac how do you get your photo shop elements 5 to run on a mac?

Software is written to work with a specific operating system. Software that works with the Windows Vista operating system will not work with the Mac OS X operating system. There are separate versions of Photoshop Elements for each operating system and the correct version is required for each operating system. (See links below)