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Mine is 57g (2.0106158283oz).

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Q: How much does an English muffin weigh?
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What did the muffin say to the other muffin?

You look really cute in your muffin top! "Hey have you seen Muff?" "Yes." "Well, where is he?" "In." "What?" "MUFFIN!" Two muffins are sitting in a bakery display counter and one looks to the other and says "Moo." and the other muffin responds with "Baaaa." The first muffin, slightly perplexed says; "Baaaa? What the heck is that?" The second muffin explains; "I'm learning a second language." One muffin looks to the other and says; "Hey, let's be rebels and muffout." One muffin looks to another muffin with obvious envy and says: "Is that bran new?" One muffin looks to another muffin with obvious sympathy and says: "Don't be so blueberry."

What did one muffin say to the other?

One muffin said, "Flippin eck, its hot in here."The other muffin looked across to baking tray and said "WOW! a talking muffin!"

Who was the person that created the muffin?

It was invented in early 1900's by Beatrice Muffin when she put too much cake batter in her cake pan. while baking, it overflowed on one side and plopped a large lump of batter on the over floor. It baked there and Beatrice got the idea from that. Of course, she had no alternative but to name it a Muffin

What country does muffin come from?

muffin (cake) came from America but muffin (bread) came from England and is usually eaten with a filling in the middle at tea time.

What is Idaho's state muffin?

That would be the hugely successful spud muffin, which began as a term of endearment until the rise of popularity for the muffin in the United States. Shortly thereafter an enterprising bakery owner by the name of Ida Holt developed the spud muffin which for Idahoian's was so popular that State Representative, Eddie Hoe, proposed legislation declaring the spud muffin the official state muffin.