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Q: How many people in the world do Ballet?
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Related questions

When did ballet decline?

Ballet hasn't declined! It is still around and many people do it. There are many schools around the world as well. I doubt that ballet will decline anytime soon because there are so many people doing it.

How many people do ballet?

anyone who likes to do ballet

What is ballet used for today?

Ballet is still popular. Many people still do ballet, and others enjoy watching.

How many people dance ballet?

thousands alot of people like ballet because it is physical but also artistic

How did ballet grow?

Ballet grew because people thought that it was beautiful. They thought it was a dance that many people would enjoy and many people have. Hope that helped. ~Marigold Ballet grew because people thought that it was beautiful. They thought it was a dance that many people would enjoy and many people have. Hope that helped. ~Marigold

Is ballet solo or partner?

You can do Ballet as a solo dancer, with a partner, as a trio, a small group, a large group. So pretty much the amount of people in ballet depends on how many people are available and how many people you want to dance with.

Where is Ballet popular?

Ballet is popular all over the world though it originated in France. There are many very famous companies all over the world such as The school of American ballet, Kirov, the royal ballet school, so on.

How many pros do ballet?

There are countless numbers of professional ballet dancers in may different professional ballet companies all across the world.

What kind people performs ballet?

Anyone can really. Men and Women around the world take on the difficult art of ballet

How many people dance classical ballet?


What is the best ballet school in the world?

There is not one that is the best but there are many amazing ones. Canada's National Ballet School, American Ballet Theater, Royal Ballet School, Paris Opera, Australian Ballet School, Houston Ballet School, Stuttgart Ballet, and the list goes on....

Does half of the world do ballet?

No-ballet is a global (world wide) hobby