The Crucible focuses on people who are different, in this case, those who may be witches. This shows discrimination by highlighting the fact that most people, both during the Salem witch trials and even nowadays, struggle with accepting people who are different from them in one way or another.
mass hysteria
The Crucible Act 1
jealousy is a huge theme in the crucible! an the reason is abigale is in love with Proctor and originally they had a thing, but he ends up picking and being loyal to his wife, Elizabeth, which infuriates Abigale. so she takes revenge on him by turning on him and is wife.
She is the first character to show symptoms of having been "bewitched."
One's honor cannot be signed away
In justice is the major theme of this play.All the injustice is shown in behaving with the lower class of society.
mass hysteria
The Crucible Act 1
Gettysburg was a battle. It did not have a theme. The theme of the Gettyburg Address was that a new and better America would emerge from the crucible of conflict that was the Civil War.
jealousy is a huge theme in the crucible! an the reason is abigale is in love with Proctor and originally they had a thing, but he ends up picking and being loyal to his wife, Elizabeth, which infuriates Abigale. so she takes revenge on him by turning on him and is wife.
Want of capacity to endure; as, intolerance of light., The quality of being intolerant; refusal to allow to others the enjoyment of their opinions, chosen modes of worship, and the like; want of patience and forbearance; illiberality; bigotry; as, intolerance shown toward a religious sect.
The whole play was a metaphor for mass hysteria and intolerance. Miller wrote it to denounce McCarthyism in the US (anti-Communist witch hunt).
I think if the theme is contradicted in a story, then it is shown to be contrary to expectations or prediction of what would occur.
She is the first character to show symptoms of having been "bewitched."
Both have the theme of law vs. justice.
One's honor cannot be signed away
Individual experience