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There is an ignorant poor man and he has not a lot of money. He tries to go to Church. He has enough money to go ! last rime. He goes and tells the Priest that he has no money now. The priest prays that he will earn money. 3 days later, he finds a load of money at his front door.

The moral of this story is to pray for the love of God and you will be loved back.

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Q: How does the tale about an ignorant poor man and a priest go?
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A man went to church and asked God for 100 pesos. He repeated his prayer many times and God granted his request. Even though the amount was less than he needed, he was still grateful and went home happy.

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A man went to church and asked God for 100 pesos. He repeated his prayer many times and God granted his request. Even though the amount was less than he needed, he was still grateful and went home happy.

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