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Move Your Hips Like Belly Roll . But Really Just Move Your Hips And Then If You Go Fast Enough Your Thighs Will Move Making Your Butt Go Up And Down It Depends On How You Do It!

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Q: How do you twerk with a small butt?
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Related questions

Why do you twerk?

to show that you can make ur butt bounce and turn on guys

How do you twerk on guys?

u shake ur butt up and down maybe you should try

Can you twerk in jeans?

no because the material jeans are made of wont allow your butt to "jiggle" like how its supposed to.

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twerk twerk twerk twerk haha

Who is the twerk team?

the twerk team is a group of girls who twerk ( booty shaking ) just go on you tube and type in twerk team and click a video and you'll see :)

Where can you learn how to twerk step by step?

You can learn by watching other people twerk, But basically its just moving you butt and hips, but you have to arch your back just a little or you will look very awkward while dancing, you need to have quick abilities with your butt, or it will look like your a girl/guy that is trying to dance like a maniac, but seriously, its harder than it looks, but easier at the same timee. (:

How do girls learn how to twerk?

Well you can learn from experience like watching other people. Or you can search the Internet. Basically you just have to learn how to control moving your butt.

What is a good name for a twerk team?

twerk squad

How do people twerk?

learn how to twerk , www youtube .com/watch?v=jLmAq014MUg

What does it take to be on the twerk team?

You have to know all the tricks about twerking and twerking itself, you have got to be strong to some level, you have to have a big butt and you've got to be able to SHAKE and MOVE your BODY... A LOT!

What is the team known as the Twerk Team?

The team known as the Twerk Team is a dance group that started in 2005 and they are from Atlanta. Twerk Team use hip hop dance moves to entertain their audience.

What do the people do in a republic?

they twerk