Mkay...well, there's 2 ways, all different.
The first way is the simplest and easilest, as least that's what I think.
Get a bowl of water.
Put your face in it, but drink at the same time. This might feel different,
but think of it as like you went swimming, and got water stuck up your
nose. Do not sniff it! Do it, It's not my will just feel weird. ♫
The 2nd way is to drink water, but don't swallow it. Put it to the back of
your throat, tip your head upside down so it goes down the wrong tube,
then put your head up and it will come out! G☼☼d Luck! ♥♥♥
Michel Jackson
Milk comes out of our noses if we laugh while we are drinking milk. Cows don't drink milk, so it wouldn't be milk that came out. Maybe water? And they don't laugh. Maybe because they have poor senses of humor? I think the closest you are going to come with a cow is a runny nose. ____ Cows don't laugh they moo. If a cow mooed really hard and no one was around to hear it would milk still curdle?
Your nose is the cartilage structure in the middle of your face, through which you can sense (smell) scent.
Iron is a possibility. Some iron alloys are black, and iron can rust in water.
Water comes out of the nose after swimming because when a person is underwater, water can enter the nasal passages. When the person comes up for air, the water trapped in the nasal passages is expelled, causing it to come out of the nose.
jrink juice and make some one make you laugh very hard and juice will come out of your noise
take hot water and cup your hands. Then with the water in your hands, sniff the water into your nose. It drains out all of your snot. (you could use colder water too. But hot water works best.)
t hey come above the water to breath
If you are at lunch make sure the milk doesn't come out of his nose.
YES it will come out your nose YES it will come out your nose
A small amount no, but if you have come close to drowning who knows what may result from that amount of water in your lungs.
Blow out your nose or do it the hard way: hold your nose. I do it both ways
A perfect cone
Liquid can come out through a person's nose when they cough, laugh, or sneeze forcefully. This happens when the pressure from the activity pushes the liquid up from the throat and out through the nose. It can happen with various liquids, like water, saliva, or mucus.
To wring means to twist a cloth to make water come out.
Well, typically smoke doesn't come out of your nose, so if smoke does come out of your nose, I suggest finding a fire extinguisher.