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Generally, works that can stand alone (novels, plays, movie titles) are italicized or underlined. The APA Publication Manual states that you would need to underline, but it is commonly accepted that you may italicize when typing and including such a title. Shorter pieces (TV show episodes, poems, etc) are where one would use quotation marks.

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Use to show where the exact words of a speaker begin and end?

To show where the exact words of a speaker begin and end, you can use quotation marks. These are punctuation marks that enclose the speaker's words to set them apart from the rest of the text. It helps indicate that the content within the quotation marks is a direct quote.

What punctuation is used to show the exact words a person said?

Quotation marks are used to show the exact words a person said.

What word is used to show where the exact words of a speaker begin and end?

quotation marks

What is used to show the exact words of a speaker?

Quotation marks are used to show the exact words of a speaker.

What does using quotations marks do?

quotation marks (" ") are usually used to specify stuff or to show somebody's taking in a storybook

Used to show where the exact words of a specker begin and end?

quotation marks

What is used to show the exact words of a speaker begin to end?

quotation marks

What punctuation is used to show someone speaking?

Dialogue punctuation is the punctuation you use when writing dialogue in, persay, a story. For example: "The dog is sleeping quietly on the rug," said Marie. The dialogue punctuations are the " " (quotation marks) and the , (comma).

Do TV shows require quotation marks?

Yes, the titles of TV shows should be italicized or put in quotation marks. Quotation marks are commonly used when writing titles of episodes or individual segments within a TV show.

Do you put one quotation mark around a thought?

In general, no. Quotation marks are used to indicate direct speech or a quotation from a text. Thoughts are usually presented without quotation marks in writing. If you are writing a story or narrative where you want to explicitly show a character's thoughts, you can use techniques like italics or inner monologue to convey this, rather than quotation marks.

What do you put around a sentence to show someone is talking?

Quotation marks are used around a sentence to indicate that someone is speaking.