No, Francis Bacon wrote books like The New Atlantis. In Latin (although an English version was also published.) Bacon's New Atlantis is not a play, but a sort of cross between Thomas More's Utopia and Gulliver's Travels. It reads something like this:
"At the same time, and an age after or more, the inhabitants of the great Atlantis did flourish. For though the narration and description which is made by a great man with you, that the descendants of Neptune planted there, and of the magnificent temple, palace, city, and hill; and the manifold streams of goodly navigable rivers, which as so many chains environed the same site and temple; and the several degrees of ascent, whereby men did climb up to the same, as if it had been a Scala Coeli; be all poetical and fabulous; yet so much is true, that the said country of Atlantis, as well that of Peru, then called Coya, as that of Mexico, then named Tyrambel, were mighty and proud kingdoms, in arms, shipping, and riches; so mighty, as at one time, or at least within the space of ten years, they both made two great expeditions; they of Tyrambel through the Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea; and they of Coya, through the South Sea upon this our island; and for the former of these, which was into Europe, the same author among you, as it seemeth, had some relation from the Egyptian priest, whom he citeth. For assuredly, such a thing there was."
Bacon wrote a number of influencial works on legal and scientific methodology. He never wrote fiction for entertainment purposes (New Atlantis, which is as close as he comes, is an allegory) and wrote two poems (love-sonnets to his wife)
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Juliet Capulet is one of the leads in "Romeo & Juliet"
In Romeo and Juliet. of course it will be Juliet. Remember to think whats the play about its about them so Juliet is you awnser.
The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke (made in 1562) is the poem on which Romeo and Juliet was based off of.
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
After Romeo and Juliet married Romeo owned Juliet and everything she owed as well.
Romeo was a Montague, Juliet was a Capulet.
Juliet Capulet is one of the leads in "Romeo & Juliet"
Romeo and Juliet get married.
ummm romeo and juliet? idiot..
Romeo and Juliet
Juliet, of course.
Romeo and then Juliet...
A lot.