Italian operas are either opera buffa or opera seria. opera buffa is a comedy. opera seria is a drama. Italian operas often have Bel canto. it means beautiful singing. all i know for German operas are that its very emotional. its not always beautiful, it may sound ugly. sorry that's all i know for Germany. hope that helps.
Operas can be written in any language, but most great western operas are in Italian, German, or French, though there are some great English and Russian works. Those five languages should cover the most common opera repertoire, but lots of contemporary operas are being written in less common languages, even Klingon and Esperanto, or even a mix of languages.
George Frederick Handel (1685-1759)
Verdi composed not for the the Italian elite, but for a mass public who's main entertainment was opera.
Italy: Italian Operas.
Italian operas are either opera buffa or opera seria. opera buffa is a comedy. opera seria is a drama. Italian operas often have Bel canto. it means beautiful singing. all i know for German operas are that its very emotional. its not always beautiful, it may sound ugly. sorry that's all i know for Germany. hope that helps.
Italian operas
Mozart composed operas in German and Italian. Don Giovanni, Le nozze di Figaro, and Così fan tutteare three of his most popular Italian operas.
There's the Italian operas, the German, the French, the Russian, and still operas in other languages. The Italian operas are considered the most melodic and passionate; the German (which includes Wagner and Strauss) the most musically advanced the French the most elegant and "pretty", and the Russian grand and spectacular, though these descriptions are very general. There are some very grand Italian operas, some gorgeous French operas, some German operas which are so rich in orchestral texture and so vocally "over the top" that they can be almost a transfiguration. Each opera stands on it's own.
Operas are typically performed in the language that the composer wrote the opera in, such as Italian, German, French, or English. Some composers also wrote operas in their native language, like Russian or Czech. Additionally, there are operas that incorporate multiple languages within the same production.
As in the majority of operas it is performed in Italian.
Operas can be written in any language, but most great western operas are in Italian, German, or French, though there are some great English and Russian works. Those five languages should cover the most common opera repertoire, but lots of contemporary operas are being written in less common languages, even Klingon and Esperanto, or even a mix of languages.
Paul England has written: 'Favorite operas by Italian and French composers' -- subject(s): Operas, Stories, plots 'Fifty favorite operas' -- subject(s): Operas, Stories, plots
Puccini was an Italian composer of operas.
Italy was greatly affected by the Renaissance, and they were probably the ones who had a great interest in operas in the first place. Italian is also a classic language for artistic performances, as many people in opera have to learn Italian and German because many of them were written in more classic languages than English. Also, Italians like pasta and lots of it, and you need to exercise your diaphragm to belt out many of those poweful notes in Italian arias.