She was the only one born from the foam of the sea. So she didn't have any siblings.
Although, some myths say that Dione and Zeus were the parents of Aphrodite. So any of Zeus's children are related to her therefore she does have siblings. (Considering she was born from Dione)
1) Atropos (one of the Fates, Ananke)
2) Clotho (one of the Fates, by Ananke)
3) Persephone (by Demeter)
4) Zagreus (by Demeter)
5) Ares (by Hera)
6) Eileithyia (by Hera)
7) Hephaestus (by Hera)
8) Hebe (by Hera)
9) Ersa (by Eos)
10) Carae (by Eos)
11) Limos (by Eris)
12) Apolly (by Leto)
13) Artemis (by Leto)
14) Hermes (by Maia)
15) Athena (by Metis)
16) Aoide (by Mnemosyne)
17) Melete (by Mnemosyne)
18) Mneme (by Mnemosyne)
19) Calliope (by Mnemosyne)
20) Clio (by Mnemosyne)
21) Erato (by Mnemosyne)
22) Euterpe (by Mnemosyne)
23) Melpomene (by Mnemosyne)
24) Polyhymnia (by Mnemosyne)
25) Terpsichore (by Mnemosyne)
26) Thalia (by Mnemosyne)
27) Urania (by Mnemosyne)
28) Ersa (by Selene)
29) Nemean Lion (by Selene)
30) Pandia (by Selene)
31) Astraea (by Themis)
32) Nemesis (by Themis)
33) Auxo (by Themis)
34) Carpo (by Themis)
35) Thallo (by Themis)
36) Dike (by Themis)
37) Eirene (by Themis)
38) Eunomia (by Themis)
39) Pherusa (by Themis)
40) Euporie (by Themis)
41) Orthosie (by Themis)
42) Atropos (by Themis)
43) Clotho (by Themis)
44) Lachesis (by Themis)
45) Aeacus (by Aegina)
46) Heracles (by Alkmena)
47) Amphion (by Antiope)
48) Zethus (by Antiope)
49) Arcas (by Callisto)
50) Britomartis (by Carme)
51) Perseus (by Danaë)
52) Tityas (Elara)
53) Dardanus (by Electra)
54) Iasion (by Electra)
55) Minos (by Europe)
56) Rhadamanthys (by Europe)
57) Sarpedon (by Europe)
58) Aglaea (by Eurynome)
59) Euphrosyne (by Eurynome)
60) Thalia (by Eurynome)
61) Kronios (by Himalia)
62) Spartaios (by Himalia)
63) Kytos (by Himalia)
64) Thebe (by Iodama)
65) Epaphus (by Io)
66) Loi (by Lamia)
67) Sarpedon (by Laodamia)
68) Polydeuces or Pollux (by Leda)
69) Castor (by Leda)
70) Helen of Sparta of Troy (by Leda)
71) Locrus (by Maera)
72) Argus (by Niobe)
73) Pelasgus (by Niobe)
74) Alexander III of Macedon (by Olumpias)***
75) Tantalus (by Plouto)
76) Balius (by Podarge)
77) Xanthus (by Podarge)
78) Hellen (by Pyrrha)
79) Dionysus (by Semele)
80) Lacedaemon (by Taygete)
81) Palici (by Thalia)
82) Litae (by Unknown mother)
83) Tyche (by Unknown mother)
84) Ate (by Unknown mother)
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