Intellectual growth refers to personal or communal intellectual development. This can be derived from the spreading of new ideas, such as during the Enlightenment, or through personal educational pursuits, like higher education.
S - social P - physical I- intellectual C - creative E - emotional
It means that the physic development
definition of development
intellectual development takes place and they tend to spend considerable time thinking.
SPLICES is short for Social Physical Language Intellectual Cognitive Emotional Spiritual which implys the developmental areas for children. :D
Intellectual Development of a Baby;LaughingNoises (Mama/Dada)Names spoken (Their own name)Understand sertain cammandsThese are ALL the intellectual develpoments of a baby.
The five areas of development are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral.
if you parents are not intellectualy because of their culture you are less likely to be intellectual
intelligent; clever; intellectual.
child development is of grwoth perceptual, emotional, intellectual, and behavioral capabilities and functioning during childhood. it includes development of language,symbolic thought, logic, memory, emotional awareness, empathy, a moral sense and a sense of identity including sex role identity.
Early environmental experiences help shape the development of the brain.