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The answer is his skill as a marksman.

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Answer is his skill as a marksman.

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Q: Which of Odysseus traits allows him to triumph in the bow-and-arrow challenge that Penelope sets for her suitors?
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What challenge will Penelope present to her wooersWhat challenge will Penelope present to her wooers?

Penelope will challenge her suitors to string and shoot an arrow through several axe heads, a task only her husband Odysseus can accomplish. This challenge will serve as a test of their loyalty and true intentions towards her.

What was Justice at the hands of Odysseus?

Odysseus killed all of Penelope's suitors.

Did Penelope like any of the suitors?

While Odysseus was gone, his wife Penelope was being forced to entertain a large group of suitors who wanted to marry her. Penelope did not like any of the suitors, and only wanted Odysseus to come home to her.

What test did Penelope set up for the suitors?

Penelope set up a test for the suitors involving Odysseus' bow. She challenged them to string the bow and shoot an arrow through a row of twelve axe heads. Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, was the only one who successfully completed the challenge.

What are the evil men called in Odysseus' palace?

They are the suitors of Odysseus's wife, Penelope.

What happens to Penelope's suitors?

Odysseus and his son slaughter them when Odysseus gets home.

What do the suitors want in the odyssey?

the wanted odysseus' wife penelope :)

What is the rising action of the Odyssey?

The Odyssey is an epic written by Homer. The rising action is when Odysseus finally returns home, and Penelope's challenge for her many suitors.

What accusations does Odysseus make against the suitors?

Odysseus calls the suitors out for taking over the house and making Penelope marry one of them.

Do Odysseus challenge Eurymachus to a work contest?

When Odysseus comes home to Ithaca, Penelope has set up a challenge for the suitors to win her hand. Whoever is able to string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow cleanly through the ax heads, they will win Penelope. (Penelope, however, has a pretty good idea that no one else will be able to string Odysseus' bow except for him, so while the contest appears fair to the suitors, in reality Penelope has developed a clever plan as to avoid marrying any of them.) None of the suitors are able to string the bow. Then Odysseus comes in. (Remember, he has been disguised by Athena as an old beggar, so no one recognizes him.) To make a long story short, Odysseus is able to successfully complete the contest. Also, it is important to know that Penelope and all of the women have been sent to a room and locked in because Odysseus plans on killing all of the suitors for their crime of attempting to marry Penelope (his wife) while he was still alive. So, Penelope is not aware that someone has won the contest, the someone being Odysseus (in disguise). At the point that Odysseus wins the contest, he becomes Odysseus again, or, rather, back to his recognizable form. The suitors recognize him. Odysseus tells them he's going to kill them and what their crimes were. So, Odysseus shoots, with his bow and arrows, Antinous, the ringleader of the suitors. However, before Odysseus can kill the rest of the suitors, Eurymachus, also a sort of ringleader, steps up to ask mercy of Odysseus. He promises payments back for all the food, etc. the suitors have used up. Odysseus doesn't accept his apology, and kills all the suitors anyhow.

Why does Penelope give the suitors this test?

Penelope gives the suitors the test of stringing Odysseus's bow to find out who is truly worthy of her and to stall for time, hoping that Odysseus will return. It also allows her to further test the suitors' qualities and intentions towards her and her home.

How does Penelope decide we will choose a suitor?

Penelope decides that she will choose a suitor by setting a challenge for the suitors - whoever can string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axe heads will win her hand in marriage.