it EYE but the code is EYES
There are several palindromes. There is thousands of palindromes. But for a list of one word palindromes, here is a link.
Several. There are thousands of palindromic phrases. For a list of one word palindromes copy this link.
'Redivider' is one...
Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.
Ah, palindromes are like little puzzles that read the same forwards and backwards. For a female relative, you can try sweet ones like "Hannah" or "Ava." Just like painting a happy little tree, finding palindromes can bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart.
No thanks, I already have one.
Nine. The sum of the digits must be a multiple of 9; because of the repeated digits, this is only possible if the first two digits add up to 9.