Daedalus was not considered as a god but a hero.He was an engineer,when Midas's wife messed with a bull, resulting in the Minotaur, he built the labrynth to hold the minotaur by keeping it confused.He also made wings for himself and his son Icarus out of wax.
From the god Hephaestus.
Daedalus was a very clever inventor.
special talents and skills did Demeter have?
Demeter's special talents were growing grain and controlling the seasons
Her talents were herth, and love but she was a mortal
. What special skills, talents, or personality traits are necessary for this occupation?
what special skills, talents, or personality traits are necessary to be a veterinarian?????
Demeter's special talents were growing grain and controlling the seasons
Aphrodite special talents are makinq anyone jealous , also she make anyone fall in love with her .
your parents name you that because you are special and you have special talents
They can swim either.