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I know this isn't much, but the fish is so small it can fit through the teeth of other fish that are bigger than it in the rock pool. Also the fish has gills which allows it to swim far down in the water and stay in the water because one of its predators (the seagull) can't go in the water. Lastly, the fishes scales tend to be dark green so they can camouflage. But say the fish is a florescent color then because its small it can squeeze into small rock gaps.

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they have dark colors to blend in with rocks so predators won't find them easily

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Q: In a rock pool what adaptations does a small fish have?
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What do rock pool starfish eat?

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What type of fish live in rock pools?

Rock fish, that like to play pool

What is the food chain in a rock pool?

producers:red/green seaweed,plant plankton primary consumers:,shrimps,whelks animal plankton secondary consumers:small fish,crab,sea anemone tertiary consumers:seagulls

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What is a rock pool food web?

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Where would you find a rock pool?

You can find a rock pool along the coastline where rocks and tide pools form. These natural formations are typically found in intertidal zones, where the ocean meets land, and are known for containing various marine life such as crabs, snails, and small fish.

Why are fishes and whelks suited to live in a rock pool?

There is food and there are minerals (from the rocks) to nourish the fish and the whelks

What are the physiological adaptations of a rock louse?

They are so small that no-one can see them, so they cannot be eaten by predators.

What Adaptations for a shore crab living in a rock pool?

1.the hermit crab is much smaller so it can hide and blend in much more will feed of starfish seaweed and any other thing smaller than it 3.if the rock pool has sand it will bury its self

When was The Rock Pool created?

The Rock Pool was created in 1936.

Is a rock pool deeper when the tide is in?

a rock pool is deeper when the tide is in

What does a rock hopper penguin eat?

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