It may not be possible to lower your rent payment, but it is possible to get some money back if you pay on the internet. Instead of paying with a check or with cash, pay with a credit card that gives you rewards points -- with some cards, these can be redeemed as money. You may get one or two percent back for every dollar that you spend. If you route all of the payments through this card, that can be a lot of money. You can make a rent payment online and then get some of the money back later.
It is a good idea if your credit is weak and you would be unable to get a conventional mortgage to purchase a home. The plus side of rent to own is that it will allow you to build credit and equity and a part of your rent money goes towards the down paymen.
To use Zelle to get your money back, you can contact your bank or financial institution that you used to send the money through Zelle. They can help you initiate a dispute or claim for the transaction in question, which may result in getting your money back.
Is there any grant to assist me in paying delinqent rent ?
I am not getting my rent in time from my tenant who is a business man in Chennai for the last 20 years. I will get cheque from him after 4 or 5 months rent at a time. I can't say anything wrong about him. Because he always giving respect to me and telling that I am like his elder brother. He has not paid rent for the last 3 months from April'08.
Free money for rent and bills. You have too follow this link Free money for rent and bills. You have too follow this link Referral Code : 149bd9248fd1a4e8b95e
No. Only a 'financial gain' is taxable. Getting money back is a wash, not a gain.
Generally he can go back as far as you owe the rent. But a landlord can only evict you for not paying the rent, not for money that you owe for back rent. If your landlord accepts your money for the correct amount of rent, he cannot evict you for the back amount, but he can sue you for that.
Sadly no. When you buy or rent something at iTunes you cannot get your money back unless you report it has a problem (glitches,bugs,Inc)
By getting roommates.
Yes. Most landlords do want their rent money and will only allow a certain period of time, before they have a tenant evicted for nonpayment of rent.
If the owner allows it, try getting a roommate.
Yes, it is the imputed rent value. Essentially, the amount of money you would have had to pay to rent it.Yes, it is the imputed rent value. Essentially, the amount of money you would have had to pay to rent it.Yes, it is the imputed rent value. Essentially, the amount of money you would have had to pay to rent it.Yes, it is the imputed rent value. Essentially, the amount of money you would have had to pay to rent it.
Check your local social service agencies, apply for Section 8 housing, and, possibly move in with someone, sharing rent, until you get the money together.
He can if there is no written designation for the rent. I suggest getting a receipt from your landlord if you are suspicious. Think Properties NYC
She has money to pay rent" is correct. "She is having money to pay rent" is not grammatically correct, although it might be understood to convey the same here >πππππ://πππ.πππππππππ24.πππ/πππππ/372576/πΈπππππππππππππππ/
well a helocopter.... Alot so you need alot of money are you getting married ,congragulations