A. I would pay approx $2 a square foot and workmanship guaranteed for 2 years. Laminate flooring comes with a factory warranty as well.
Grano Screed is a type of flooring. The flooring is a tile-type of flooring. You need to use cement to put the flooring down.
The difference between natural flooring and engineered flooring is that natural flooring is not altered, in the manner that engineeered wood is altered.
Laminate flooring is not real wood, it just imitates the look of it.
Engineered flooring is a type of flooring that comes under the wood flooring category. You can get engineered flooring done at your home as it is non susceptible to water and can withstand any pressure. It keeps a normal temperature irrespective of any weather conditions. Cleaning is also not an issue. Thus, engineered flooring is a great option if you have been planning to get flooring done for your house or office.
That is a judgment of the flooring contractor or installer. The good news is that they prefer to do so if at all possible. But their reputation is based on satisfied customers, so their advice is usually best - assuming you hire a good flooring contractor with an established reputation.
IF that person that looks for trustworthy flooring contractor and has a good hands, and enjoy helping homeowners to improve the condition of homes,than he can type something online and find it very easy, because there are a lots of flooring contractors.
Contractors for vinyl flooring can be found online and ones near your location. Its is best to ask around and check with past customers about experience.
The kind of company you're looking for is a Flooring Contractor. You can find these companies in the Yellow Pages (or through yellowpages.com), by searching for Flooring Contractors in your city.
some official sites would be : www.servicemagic.com www.bidclerk.com www.zanderplee.com Flooring Contractor Browse a Vast Directory of Leading Flooring Contractors in Your Area flooring.buildingpros.com and this following site would be a good start where you might find your own contractor www.tilecostestimates.com
Yes, however carpet nailers don't need as much power as flooring nailers.
The contractor will get a bid from the sub contractor and add his percentage, then present the change order to the customer. This depends on the change. Some changes are items which are pre-set arrangements between the contractor and sub that can be priced without a bid from the sub. Flooring for example.
yes this test is necessary at the time of changing flooring, its approx $500 you have to pay for it.
As a general rule, any improvement that you do is considered an "improvement". If you are leasing a property, it would then be considered a leasehold improvement. Now, that question should, and probably would, be best answered by an attorney. I am not an attorney, and therefore can not provide legal advice. I am, however, a licensed flooring contractor in California, so my advice should be, and is intended to be strictly about flooring from a flooring contractor's point of view. I believe the main issue you would have here, from the flooring point of view, is that since it's a fitness club, where rubber flooring is conducive to the fitness environment, and it is an improvement over bare concrete, it would be considered an improvement. Please remember, I am not an attorney, nor do I intend to provide legal advice. The key word in your question is HAVE. Does it HAVE to be considered a leasehold improvement? I don't know. I hope that I haven't disappointed you!
The process of improving the design, layout, and functionality of a kitchen through new cabinets, countertops, appliances, and flooring, often involving a professional contractor for complex projects.
Home depot does not install any of their products except custom flooring. You would need to hire a contractor, handyman, or some friends to help you do it yourself.