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There are many phones that may be thought of as the most popular cell phones. These devices are used by many people throughout the world, and they are often made popular by catchy advertising slogans and frequent television commercials. The features of these electronics make them quite popular in the world of cell phones.

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Q: Finding the Most Popular Cell Phones in the World?
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How many cell phones in the world?

As of December 2008, there are 271,000,000 cell phones in the U.S., about 88 percent of the population.In the world, there are 4,100,000,000 cell phones in use.For a full list of countries and number of cell phones, see related links.

What are the nouns in this sentence Today in the United states cell phones are very popular item?

In the sentence "In the United states cell phones are a very popular item" the only verb is "are".

What are the most popular silver LG cell phones?

There are many silver LG cell phones on the market today. I have discovered through careful consideration and research that the most popular Silver LG cell phones are the Sim Free, the Shine and the Viewty.

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Green cell phones are newer phones that are not yet that popular. These phones are able to be solar charged by the sun so you do not need to tap into an electrical outlet ever during daylight. This helps lessen the impact of energy consumption which accounts for most pollution in the world.

I'm looking for good cell phones?

There are many great cell phones on the market. I-phones are very popular, but also can be very expensive. Android phones are also great phones and are available through multiple cell phone companies.

What are the most popular cell phones available?

Some of the most popular cell phones available today are the iPhone 4G, and anything made by HTC, such as the HTC Evo 4g.

Where are cell phones from?

There are many cell phone manufacturers scattered world wide. The most popular ones are: US, Canada, UK, Japan, Finland and China.

Are cell phones more popular than IM?

Yes, they are.

What are the most popular cell phones?

iPhone Either the iPhone or the Blackberry.

What percentage of the world have cell phones?
