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chlorine is an alkaline and used to keep swiming pools clean. so no, i highly doubt it

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Q: Does chlorine burn raw skin
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What does a chlorine burn look like and how can it be identified?

A chlorine burn appears as redness, irritation, and blistering on the skin. It can be identified by a strong smell of chlorine, skin irritation, and possible discoloration of clothing or surfaces in contact with the chemical.

Is high chlorinated pool water harmful to you?

Yes, the chlorine will burn your skin

Can chlorine cause blisters?

Yes, exposure to chlorine gas or liquid chlorine can cause skin irritation and chemical burns, which may lead to blisters. It is important to take proper precautions when handling chlorine to avoid skin contact.

What would happen if there was ever a spill of chlorine gas?

if chlorine whent on your skin you would know about it because it will burn you and it would really hurt xx

Why do some people ich after swimming?

Some people with excema, or similar skin conditions, have reactions to the chlorine that causes their skin to itch, burn, or otherwise hurt.

Does too much clorine make water cloudy?

Yes, i would not go in the water until it clears up. The chlorine could burn your skin. I suggest you do not add anymore chlorine.

Is chlorine good for skin?

Chlorine can be harsh on the skin. Prolonged exposure to chlorine, such as in swimming pools, can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. It is recommended to shower after swimming to remove chlorine residue from the skin.

What happens when you combine sunscreen and granulated chlorine?

Sunscreen and granular chlorine mixed in the water or a bucket should not be a problem but if you get granular chlorine on your skin make sure you wash it off quickly or you can end getting a chemical burn (much worse than a sunburn)

What are the potential risks and safety measures associated with a chlorine burn in swimming pools?

Potential risks associated with a chlorine burn in swimming pools include skin and eye irritation, respiratory issues, and potential chemical burns. Safety measures to prevent chlorine burns include proper handling and storage of chlorine, maintaining proper water chemistry levels, and ensuring proper ventilation in the pool area.

Is it safe to swim in chlorine water if you have a burn?

It is generally safe to swim in chlorine water with a minor burn, as chlorine is a disinfectant that can help prevent infections. However, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional if you have a severe burn or if you have concerns about swimming with a burn.

IS there skin care for swimmer in chlorine pool?

There are probably a bunch of lotions out there that say that they'll help you, but from 9 years of swimming, the best method I've learned is to shower right after you swim, if possible. The longer the chlorine dries on your skin, the more it's going to burn/sting/whatever it may do to you.

What is skin burn?

A burn (caused by radiation, or heat) to the skin.