A credit card company can garnish you wages if they successfully sue for the owed funds in court. They cannot garnish wages before going through the court system.
Only with a court ruling against you, but you be served court papers before that can happen.
No, Wisconsin will not garnish a spouses wages to satisfy a credit card debt. Credit cards do not generally seek garnishments unless the amount is very large.
If you owe a debt to a bank they can seek a petition from the court to garnish your wages.
Yes, in if you get a foreclosure against you in Indiana, they can definitely garnish your wages. However, they can only garnish wages if it is ordered by the court.
Can credit card companies that take you to civil court garnish your wages or income tax return if you lose in the lawsuit
A credit card company can garnish you wages if they successfully sue for the owed funds in court. They cannot garnish wages before going through the court system.
Only with a court ruling against you, but you be served court papers before that can happen.
yes they can
No, Wisconsin will not garnish a spouses wages to satisfy a credit card debt. Credit cards do not generally seek garnishments unless the amount is very large.
If you owe a debt to a bank they can seek a petition from the court to garnish your wages.
Yes, after they sue and receive a judgment they can garnish wages up to 25% of the person's take home pay.
Credit Cards cannot be garnished. If there are credit card debts, the wages can be garnished regardless of the location of the cards.