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If the water circulates but does not flush down the drain - it means that the drain pipe is clogged.

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Q: Your toilet just spins in circles when flushed?
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How many sheets on a average roll of toilet paper?

75 i counted just for you and my mom wasnt very happy either

Do household chemicals kill bacteria or simply inhibit its growth?

Why, you seem to be in need of Toilet Duck my friend. Toilet Duck kills 99.9% of bacteria-FACT! If you need to clean your home and care about the environment then Toilet Duck is a safer alternative to household bleaches and some more harsh detergents. Just ask the customers -Toilet Duck has a 9/10 approval rating amongst consumers and was voted the leading bathroom hygiene product for three years running! It features a directable jet enabling under-rim dispensation-and less waste. Eradicate grime and lime in seconds. No more embarrassing "brown stains" in your toilet. Available for a limited time only in "Pine Fresh" fragrance. Order Toilet Duck today from SC Johnson-A family company!

How do you use friction daily?

Walking , if there is no friction you wont be able to walk properly . Another important thing is driving . In the absence of friction the car wheels wont be able to rotate probably thus the car will just go in circles.

How do hypothesis help scientists?

It doesn't they just say it does because they think they are good really it makes them want the toilet alot you see ever seen them there like omg i need the loo help and hypothesis is where you love potties :D

How good are Crystal Damp traps?

If you are reffering to the plastic containers you fill with these crystals for the purpose of drawing moisture out of the air - they work great! I use them in my basement every summer. When the crystals turn to liquid, you just flush it down the toilet and refill.

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What was the purpose of inventing the colossus computer?

nothing..just for fun to let money get flushed down the toilet

Do Bum Boosa's bamboo-made toilet papers disintegrate well when flushed?

Yes. That's what toilet paper is designed to do. Other brands of toilet paper disintegrate just as well.

Is it OK to let your children vomit in the toilet?

Of coarse it is!! In fact that's where everyone's suppose to vomit. Just make sure all the feces in the toilet is flushed down before the children vomit in them.

What types of foods go to mens butts?

eventually, all types. then they get flushed down the toilet. that's just how our digestive system works. it's not just men either - women also poop.

What is the personality of a scorpion?

very angry and vicious . can i just say that i had one over 4 tea the other day and has very nice manners and always flushed the toilet after big_jobs.

Is it bad for a dog to drink urine out of the toilet?

My little dog did when I unfortunately forgot to fill its water bowl! But fortunately the toilet had been flushed and the water was RELATIVELY clean.

What should you do if you have not flushed an upstairs toilet for about five months and the bowl is now completely dry?

Yes you can flush it. It's possible for a toilet trap to go dry after that much time. When you flush just make sure you check to see if the bowl is leaking.

A cloth has fallen down the toilet what should i do?

If you haven't flushed it yet, get some gloves or some wooden dowels or something like that to pick it and get it out. If you can, put it in the washing machine or else you could just clean it normally. Do just the same thing if money got in the toilet except this is just bigger and softer and needs cleaning.

Is there a way to bleed the air from your sewer line Toilet whistles when flushed?

that's because the diaphragm in the fill valve is damaged change the fill valve and you might just have solved the problem

Why it is vital to keep drinking water separate from water used for disposal of wastes?

Just think about it. Would you like to drink out of a toilet that has been used and before it is flushed? The bacteria in there would make anyone sick.

Where did Homer Simpson get the phrase Why You Little?

homer got the phrase why you little from when Bart was younger (flashback episode) and he flushed homers wallet down the toilet and homer strangled him and said "why you very little" and its just carried on since.

What causes sewer to get backed up in the downstairs bathroom even after you just had it pumped 7 months ago?

Two possible answers - tree roots growing into the pipe in your yard or tampons being flushed down your toilet.