it shouldn't do this really but on mine i push gently on a corner and i hear a little click but do not push hard incase of breaking it... if the screen coming out is severe i would recommend contacting apple
There are currently four types of iPods with a touch screen: the iPod Touch, the iPhone, the iPad, and the ipod nano multi-touch.
No. an iPad is a 9.5" screen. An iPod Touch is a 3.5" screen.
Well, because it is an iPod, and it has a touch screen.
The IPod touch has a 3.5 inch screen display
The I-pod touch has a touch screen.
View the Related Link below to see what a touch screen iPod (the iPod Touch) looks like.
If it is an ipod touch nano then no you cant you have to have a big screen ipod touch
No, iPod Classic's do not have a touch screen. They are controlled via a 'Click Wheel'
Yes. There was a new Ipod nano that is touch screen that was released recently.
No. They are different. The iPod touch 4 screen has more pixels so the iPod touch 3 won't support it.
get an ipod touch
No, you cannot. iPod touch apps will only work with an iPod Touch or iPhone - no other touch screen mp3 player.