* Some young men (even older ones) can't commit for reasons of their own and sometimes they don't even know what those reasons are. Perhaps the relationship was getting too serious too quickly. Don't sit around moping over it and get out with friends so you can open up your personal life to other prospects and start dating again. If you and your ex are meant to be together you will be, but if not, you'll meet the right guy that you should be with.
If your boyfriend says that he is just lost right now, you can tell him things that are encouraging. You may also want to tell him that you'll give him space if he needs it but you're there to support him emotionally.
The website "Things My Boyfriend Says" is a humor website featuring funny quotes from real life boyfriends. The information available on this site is for entertainment purposes.
If your boyfriend says that he is just lost right now, you can tell him things that are encouraging. You may also want to tell him that you'll give him space if he needs it but you're there to support him emotionally.
he needs sum time to think and be alone for a while
He needs a break. As in, he still likes you, but he needs a break from you. Basically, he's putting you on the shelf for later.
he wants to think if your the right one for him to be with and to think about the relastionship
Hes getting tired of the relationship
Ditch him, and find a guy worthwhile. You'll thank yourself later.
she could mean different things but the most likely things are 1. she loves you, but doesn't want to be involved in a relationship at the moment (maybe she has had a boyfriend that has cheated on her and needs time to recover) 2. she wants to stay single and 'free' but still loves you (just wait for her... she will come)
It means hes not ready for you yet, your to good for him. he needs time to figure out who he is and what he is ready for
Stated needs are those that the customer clearly tells you about. They are the easiest to deal with. A stated needs are things that somebody Says they need, real needs are things that the person actually needs or really needs
If he says weird things like "come on babe" or "don't be mad at me" or you know I love you"