dump him because he is OBVIOUSLY not worth your effort if he doesn't consider you that important.
To tell off one's boyfriend when he's flirting with other girls, a person should tell their boyfriend how disrespectful and hurtful it is for them to do that. Inform them that if they want to be in a relationship, they must learn to control themselves otherwise the relationship is over.
You don't! Relationships are built on "trust!"
if hes flirting with girls let him know it bothers you if he dosent stop then just leave him cause if he dosent care about you enough to respect you then he is not worth the time jab the other girls with knives and go makeout with you boyfriend
If he is flirting, no one likes to be found out. If he is not flirting and you think he is, he will be annoyed because you are basically accusing him of something he did not do.
He can look but he CANNOT touch. A smile is fine, but flirting is not. So he should not smile and then start a flirty conversation.
As long as your not flirting with the other girls and you keep your distance it should all be goo=)
he will try and flirt with you and might also make you jealous by flirting with other girls when your around.
missing/being late 4 dates flirting with other girls hanging out more with mates
Whether black or any other skin color or even big breasted girls should not be flirting if they have a boyfriend. If you are a friend then stay out of it as it is up to her boyfriend to decide if he wants to put up with her flirting and it is up to the girl in question to realize she is probably going to end up with a bad reputation.
If you really do love each other that much then he is just talking to the other girls for fun. If you take away the fact about the flirting part, you trust him right? If you trust him and he trusts you, then even with his flirting his heart has always belonged to you. I understand that you're jealous and probably frustrated and confused but you can always ask him why he is flirting.
You know when he starts to ignore you and tries flirting with other girls. Or hanging around with them. I hope this answer helps x
If you know any of his friends ask them if he is flirting with other girls at school, if he is dump him!!!