NO it is not
When i first started my period, mine went on for 9 days now after about my 10th period its gone down to 8 days, its normal for your period to be around 2-10 days. If you really feel its something concerning you, then you could go and see the doctor. My mum has hers for 5 days and my sister has hers for 3 days, its different for everyone! Hope this helped!
it is definitely okay. that is the normal age to start
yes it is. I've been on it for 2 months now and my period is basically like 3 days
no stewpeds! your pregnant! u better go look for the dad right now!
Well it isguaranteed not to be normal, i would probably recommend a trip to the gynecologist to get checked out
Since a leap year has 366 days, there are 52 weeks and 2 days in a leap year. 52 x 7 = 364 A normal year has one less day, 365 days. I AM ANOTHER PERSON NOW. ok the answer is = 52.28514 / for a leap year & 52.177457 / for a normal year :)
It depends how old you are. If you are young, and just got your first period not too long ago, then that is normal, if you have had it for a long time, talk to your doctor.
It varies from one woman to another, but yes, it can be normal. Although, if you haven't been cramping five days before starting your period, and have now begun to do so, then you may need to see your ob/gyn.
If your period is going longer than normal, it could be related to stress. If it is bothersome, you should of course see your doctor.
It is normal to have variations and healthy. If in doubt go to a health center or get a test kit.
right now your period isn't regular yet and that happens to a lot of girls in there first year.