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No matter what the doctors say, not everybody ovulates at the same time in their cycle. So you could have fallen pregnant at any time within the month. Right, so the years of research count for absolutuely nothing and the one woman in a hundred who don't ovulate to the usual pattern becomes the norm. If you have a regular 28 day cycle you most likely time for you to get pregnant was around 10th-12th March

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Q: You your last period came a week early It started on Feb 26 06 you took a pregnancy test on March 22 06 It was positive About when did conception take place What day did you get pregnant?
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You toke a pregnancy test and it said positive but you started your period are you pregnant?

yes u are pregant

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If your periods have started after stopping Depo Provera, you're certainly at risk for pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy are missing periods and a positive pregnancy test.

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take a pregnancy ones available in most chemists are exact and can tell within a short time of conception............ good luck............

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Pregnancy signs are absent period and positive pregnancy test. If you think you might be pregnant, take a test. If you're not pregnant and don't want to be, start using a method of pregnancy prevention today. Your local family planning center should be able to get you in for a same-day appointment for a pregnancy test, and get you started on prenatal vitamins if you're hoping for pregnancy, or get you started on birth control if this isn't the right time for you.

Can you be pregnant if you're period is 5 days delayed?

It depends on your cycle regularity. Are you frequently late? You could be pregnant. Go to the doctor and get an hcg titer. I was a little late for my cycle last month. I thought I was pregnant and it turned out to be just a chemical pregnancy - where your body just thinks you are pregnant and you are not. I even had a positive pregnancy test. My period started shortly after.

You started your period the day after conception is there still a possibility of pregnancy?

The day after conception or the day after sex? I know they may sound the same but they are very different. Conception would mean you know you got pregnant that very day. If you had sex and had a period the next day chances are good that you are not pregnant. If after 2 weeks you have any concerns that you could be pregnant, take a test or see your doctor. Some women have normal pregnancies and have their period every month. But most women are not ovulating (fertile) the day before they start their period. Conception normally occurs mid cycle, day 13 or 14 in a 28 day cycle.

You tested yourself for pregnancy ant it turned positive but after six days i started bleeding heavily with big blood clots coming out causing very painful cramps are you really pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests work by the detection of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a the test subjects urine. If you test positive from a pregnancy test you are most likely pregnant (they are over 97% accurate). However, there is a low false positive rate and that could be the case in this instance. If it has been more than 14 days since you had the sexual intercourse that you want to see made you pregnant then simply take another test, or see your doctor for a blood test. In the event the second test shows you are not pregnant you could have simply not been pregnant and had a false positive, or miscarried a very early pregnancy. If you are trying to get pregnant, miscarriage of a pregnancy isn't uncommon, and while it is discouraging it does not mean you will continue to have problems getting and staying pregnant. Talk about this with your physician, if you are worried or concerned about it. If you are not wanting to be pregnant and you don't know what to do to prevent an unwanted pregnancy your health professional can advise you on that as well.

If you were told you conceived on February 10 2007 and the first day of your lmp was January 27 2007 but when you do the pregnancy calculators they say you are 5 weeks pregnant--how is that possible?

Pregnancy supposedly (medically) lasts for 40 weeks. In reality it lasts for 38 weeks from conception. Conception occurs approximately 14 days after your last period started for a woman who has a 28 day cycle. So everyone's pregnancy is based on these mythical 14 days eventhough very few women have a 28 day cycle! Medically they count these 14 days within the 40 weeks you are pregnant. You are considered 2 weeks pregnant at the moment of conception! Therefore three weeks after "The Deed" you are considered 5 weeks pregnant. Your doctor will not really care when you fell pregnant, s/he will be more concerned about the date of your last period and count from there.

I started bleeding 5 days ago I took a pregnancy test tonight and it says positive. How do I know if I am pregnant or not?

When you started bleeding.... was this the normal time for your period to start? Was it light spotting and is that what made you think about taking the pregnancy test? Without knowing these answers, it's kinda hard to say. However, if you took a home pregnancy test and the results were positive, there is an extremely great chance of being pregnant. Usually with those tests, they say that a negative result is what is more likely to be wrong than a positive one. However, it could also be that you were pregnant and still have high enough levels in your urine to make the pregnancy test positive. Your best bet is to see a doctor to be sure... one way or another, that's the best way to know for sure. Good luck!

Ive been getting pregnancy cramps and symptoms and had a positive pregnancy test but with a faint line then started light bleeding one day late of my period am I pregnant?

You could be. You should go see your doctor and get a blood test to know for sure.

How do you calculate the day on which you got pregnant?

Your pregnancy is considered to have started on the first day of the cycle in which you got pregnant. Since most women have a 28-day cycle and they conceived around the 14th day, you are technically considered 2 weeks pregnant at the time of conception. Therefore, by the time you find out you are pregnant (you've noticed you missed your period, pregnancy test is positive) you are considered about 4 weeks pregnant. hope this is what you were looking for.

Pregnancy test says your pregnant but then the ultra sound finds nothing?

That is what is called a "blited ovum" and it is heartbreaking if you really want to be pregnant. That happened to me with my first pregnany and I cried for weeks. What happens is that something went wrong when the sperm fertilized the egg and a pregnancy started and then abruptly ended before producing an embryo. Normally the tech will want to repeat the U/S in a week or so, just incase you're off on your conception date and it's too soon to see anything. However, usually by the time you test positive for pregnancy they should as least be able to see an embryo in the uterus on U/S.