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tell him how cute he is or good heis to you

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Q: You want to say something cute to your boyfriend?
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What should you say when you want to say something sweet to your boyfriend but he's shy and you don't want to scare him?

Maybe don't say it to his face. Leave a note for him or do something cute so that he'll get the idea but you don't have to be there.

Whenever your boyfriend says something really sweet you just freeze what do you say back?

just be yourself & if you want to either say something cute back or smile & kiss him (:

What are some cute things you can say in a letter to your boyfriend?

Your boyfriend will think that just about anything you say is cute, but tell him how much you love him and how lucky you think you are to have him.

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Say that you want to be with him because you love him

What would say if your boyfriend say what you wanna do cuddle or something?

Why do you want to know what someone ELSE wants to do? Tell him what YOU want to do!

What are compliments that you can give your boyfriend?

You can call him baby or something & say he's cute or handsome & he's sweet & funny .. Basically describe him !(:

What should i say when my boyfriend isn't cute anymore?

well, if you love him, then to you he will always be 'cute'.

Something to say to a guy that is cute and innocent?

tell him you want to give him your body and life. also tell him i want you in me

What does the story of Abraham say about him?

well he is cute and adorable and he is my boyfriend

What does it mean when you say to a boy you love him and you want him and he says cool and something about your brother?

If it was something sexual about your brother or that he was cute or something I'd say he's either gay or bisexual

Will you have a cute boyfriend?

well you might think he is cute but others may not but really they say loook change

What cause and effect relationships about clothes?

Cute clothes+ugly person= Cute but shallow boyfriend or girlfriend. Cute clothes+cute person= Cute boyfriend or girlfriend. P.S.- I'm sorry to say it, but guys like it if you show a little skin.