its my dream job.
a power ranger
Yes if you are a celebrity and want to entertain kids
a power ranger
You must have Martial Arts skills, and you must have bought a morpher that works, and will have the real powers to change you automatically into a ranger.
No, the game is designed for velociraptors only, but if you donate to pixeljam they will send you a code so you can change the color of your dino and give him hats. There are some cheat codes fr the hats if you want them that much... If you want them just type in dino run hats.
You don't get one that's mandatory. You can get one if you choose. Now im assuming you mean joining the 75th ranger regiment and being a real ranger. Just graduating ranger school doesn't make you a ranger, just ranger qualified. But yes, if you want a tattoo that is Ranger oriented, you can have it.
He said he wants to be the pink ranger, but the pink ranger is a girl, so i think he should be cast as the red ranger, cause he's the leader of the group and the team and red is the color of fire, heat and passion
America wanted to become an imperial power because they were mad at the King.
no because i havn`t seen any type of power rangers exept power rangers samurai.
The Power Distribution Box is in the engine compartment , on the drivers side , near the firewall ( if you want to disconnect the power to it you have to remove your battery cables )
Sorry, i would love to help you but i have no idea what a dino run icon is unless you want to know how to get the cheats!?!?!