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Q: You smoke weed 3 times a week are you addicted to it?
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Does weed make you passionate for it?

Well I've been smoking weed for about 3 years, I do love it, but only about 8% of daily smokers get addicted. I smoke about 4 times a week and never really feel the strong urge to buy more.

How many times should i smoke weed a week?

none. Don't even think about it.

You have only smoke weed three times in your life and one of them was a week ago If you have a drug test tomorrow will you pass?

hmm afraiddd not..unless you get lucky

You only smoke one weed joint on the week end how long will it stay in my urine?

I only smoke weed twice a month how ling will it stay in my system and how difficult is it ti get out

How many times should you smoke marijuana a week so you dont get depressed or is it possible to smoke weed regular as in over a 6 months or years or 2 years time even if its only liek 3 times a week?

you can smoke as much as u want, it wont harm you, just dont do it before or during school/work

How can you get clean in a week if you smoke weed?

just drink lots of water no soda or jucie.

How long is weed in your urine if you smoke once a week?

The main psychoactive component in weed, THC, can be detectable in urine for up to 7 days after occasional use. However, factors such as metabolism, hydration, and the specific test used can affect detection times.

If you have braces and smoke once a week can the dentist tell?

Yes, your teeth MAY turn yellow with the smoking, just keep your mouth really clean, and you could cover the smell of smoke but why would you smoke once a week? your not addicted if you can do that.

What exactly is the definition of addiction If you drink 3 beers a week smoke 4 ciggaretes amonthand smoke marijuana 5 times a year are u addicted to these things?

No. Addiction is feeling a physical need to do something all the time and feeling withdrawal if you don't. Alcohol and nicotine are easy to get addicted to. Marijuana however has no addictive property.

Should you smoke weed with your friends even though you play football and you usually smoke 3 or 4 times a week?

yea bro go ahead man smoke up. stay on top of your priorities don't let smoking weed become first in your life and you'll be a OK. hit the blunt for me stay hi one love .

What defines a infrequent marijuana user?

an infrequent weed smoker is someone who doesnt even know the basics about smoking weed. they can't light their own bowl and get super ripped quickly after smoking a tiny portion. Maybe once a week is the most frequent they smoke.

You smoke weed about 3 times a week will you fail a drug test in April?

my advice is if you know your gonna have a test, quit while you can. the longer you give between smoking and a drug test, the better chance you have of passing.