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find a way to talk to her, trust me im having this same problem with a guy named jamie sinn, i dont really know him but i can tell he wants to know me. i just wish he would talk to me so we can go out already. so just talk to her or find ways to talk to her. but dont become a stalker though just be very subtle about it and play it off

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Q: You really like this girl but you dont know her?
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What should you do if you really like a girl who you dont rely know?

Get to know her better.

I really like this girl and I dont know if she likes me how do I know?

Tell her you really like her simple ya i mean that is what girls want to happen because they know!

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Really, it depends on how she said it. Sorry :\

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if they really want you than yes but if you really like them and they dont know then the girl does

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be your self thats your best chance dont try to impress the girl you like and another tip if you are really shy, strike up a conversation to the girl you like get to know her really well then do what you have to do to get the girl you really like P.S. this really worked for me

What should you do when a girl likes you but doesn't show you?

Well if she doesnt show you, then you really dont know if she does like you or not. Every girl gives even the subtlest hints that they like a guy. Look for the really little things, and if you dont notice a difference, dont jump to conclusions.

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because people really really really like people (for a girl!) but for a boy, i dont know.(and im a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Do you like this girl?

how do i know who she is no i dont

How do you be with a girl you really like?

Dont show off. Dont act like a pratt with your mates. Dont be somebody your not. Be nice. Talk to her alot (Get to know her). Become close friends. See how you go from their.

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I would ask your "mates" for advice. Literally. You don't really know how the girl really is until you go out with her. You said that they were "previously" going out with her, that either means the girl is a bitch or your friends dont know how to handle a girl.

How do you get a girl to like me girls only?

What? I dont really get the question. From the question it sounds like your asking how to get a girl to like you. And your a girl.

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get your friend a date... not the girl you like