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if you like another girl while your in a relationship, you probally shouldn't be with the girl. You either need to leave this girl you like alone or you need to break up with your girlfriend and go pursue the other girl

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Q: You like this one girl but im already in a relationship?
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Yes.Everything's possible in love.

How can you tell a girl likes you after they have already said no?

Sometimes girls are shy, I know, I am one. But if the girl has said no, then you should stop thinking about her and don't try to persue a relationship.

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It's one of the most wonderful feelings in the world, if you do it out of love not lust. It is good to start a relationship like that; it is a good feeling if you truly like the girl. But you do have to understand that it will get you deeper into the relationship.

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i dont agree in both .but the better one is a girl to girl relationship

How do you get a girl if you already have one?

Well... it is not nice of you to look for a new girl if you already have one. I think you should first break up with your current girlfriend. Then it will be much easier for you and for her too. Now you are free. Go and do anything you like.

You like to girls but one more what should you do But that girl is dating someone else and i am already going out with the girl i dont like as much as the other girl?

Ask the other girl out unless you think your girl is angry!

When you like a girl that has a boyfriend but you dont know if she likes you what do you do?

If u like a girl who already has a boyfriend but you dont know if she likes you or know,the first thing you have to do is that you will have to make friendship with that girl and if she is already your friend,then increase your friendship and one day confidently ask her that what does she feel about you..

Like one girl but another girl likes you?

Don't be distracted. Unless the person has talked to you, you don't have to respond to her advances. Talk to the girl you like so you can at least start working on a relationship.

How do you get a girl if you already have a girl?

Well... it is not nice of you to look for a new girl if you already have one. I think you should first break up with your current girlfriend. Then it will be much easier for you and for her too. Now you are free. Go and do anything you like.

If your sprung over one girl and like the other girl and you know both of them like you a lot what do you do and how do you choose and your going out with 1 already?

just see how it goes and if it does not work out tri the other one