if he doesnt know you exist then your prolly not his type, or he might not like you :p
do something the guy likes so he will notice you . hope my advice helps .bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go up and talk to him. If he doesnt know you exist show him you do. be his friend and be there for him.
talk to him
easyy. make him know you exist. start talking to him more, to his friends more. make yourself notcied! maybe show him your song? :] good luck!
Then don't let him know it hurt you.
if they loose interest in you
Ask him.
He says no when you ask him out.
if he doesnt do it you do it.
Taylor Swift's 'You Belong With Me'
If a guy likes you he will flirt with you but if he doesnt like you then he would act like he hates you.