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Answer 1I'm not going to tell you that if you love her you will let her go- that never works, and you stil won't get the girl. The best thing to probably do is not tell her how you feel (it will freak her out) wait until the right moment comes around. Wait until they've had a huge fight and get closer to her (not to steal her away though!) become her best friend. When her and her boyfrined make up again she will remember the times you've helped her during that strugle and leave him for you. now you have another problem. He thinks you stole her. First if he really id ur best mate tell him that you never planned it and that they are many fishe in the sea, and that you hope you will still be friends :) Answer 2Not a good idea. If you want to keep your friendship you cannot go ahead with this. Think of how you would feel if he was trying to get your girlfriend - its just not right. Be happy for them and you will have to move on not acting on any of your feelings you think you may have


Answer 3

I agree with answer #2.

You should first work at being an honest friend rather than a selfish saboteur. If you truly like the girl then don't create confusion in her life.

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Q: You like a girl but she has someone and you need to get her attention about your feelings but her boy friend is your mate?
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