Try making yourself seem older or maturer. If you are in good shape physically, try to meet her in places where she can see your bod, like at a pool or the beach. Don't talk to much, listen to her, give her some brief touches on the arm. Dress classy, it will make you seem older. If you do get to date her, let her lead. Ask her what you should do to please her. If you start getting physical, ask what feels good to her, let her dominate. It will be worth while for you.
Not at all
In all seriousness - you should move on. She is two years older. She has a boyfriend. She lives in another state. It's not going to happen. Time to move on.
yes he does once he dated a girl which was 15 years older than him
If you like a girl that is older than you, you can try becoming friends with her first and letting her know how you feel.
yeah totally only 2 years older and if you really like the girl or the guy then go for it.
You like the way she looks, talks, and ect. You have a feeling inside of you that you like this girl.
hey girl, who gives a care i know someone who married someone over20 years older than she.
probs not she just thinks of u like a bro.
send her flowers and wait for her to break up and take her
well..*age does NOT matter* and i like someone that is like 3 years older than me. and if she has a boyfriend jus keep ur distance...not all relationships last forever(: GOOD LUCK
girl's breast will grow at 10 years old or older and sometimes when you are younger like some girls who grow fast
No. Some girls like it when the guy is older, but other girls don't care. If you really like her, and she likes you back, go for it!