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depends, if the person you kissed snorted it your good but if not i think there should be a small trace of it left in your system

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Q: You kissed someone who did coke within 5 mins of snorting it i have a piss test in 3 days will you pass?
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You kissed someone who did coke within 5 mins of doing it i have a piss test in 3 days will you pass?

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Does snorting coke help you last longer in bed?

Snorting Coke is not good for anything! Coke is for losers. If you want to last longer in bed masturbate before you go out on a date!

Is Whitney Hosten better than Kelly Clarkson?

at snorting coke yes

Can you OD on white rush bath salts?

Yes you can. But only if you use it wrong or try to get high off it. I know someone who tried snorting it like coke and their heart literally exploded

What are kinds of things are kids snorting now days?

coke and amphetamines like dexedrine, adderall, etc...and oxy's

In the movie irreversible does he kill the right guy?

No. The man he was looking for was the man still snorting coke. They kill the tenias friend.

Is there rat poison in coke?

No. Unless someone has adulterated the coke.

What song has the chorus Ive been smoking dope snorting coke trying to write a song?

Lonesome L.A. Cowboy by New Riders of the Purple Sage.

Why can i feel mucus in my throat that won't go away after snorting coke for 4 months?

That's a blood clot, protecting your throat from irritation from the baby laxatives your coke is cut with. Try gargling ginger ale (extra pale) with lemon juice.

Which one is better coke or Diet Coke?

Coke, because coke is yet a low calorie but tasty at the same time. The only way diet coke could be better is if someone is a diabetic

What is coke head?

someone who regulary takes cocaine

Has anyone else experienced pain in their left shoulder arm and lower neck the day after using snorting coke?

i am experiencing that right now, it went away then i had more coke then it came right back, its like my left shoulder muscle has tensed up so much its painful