Totally normal. If you notice when you first start your period it is bright red, and then towards the end of your period, it's brown. Brown blood=old blood, it just means its older! you will be alright!
yes its just spotting
If you've been bleeding for 2 weeks you should def see the doctor.
then you were on your period. pain & blood is often associated with the menstrual cycle.
im 16 and i was supposed to start my period a couple weeks ago and i never did now i am spotting brown blood i was wondering if anyone could tell me what that means
Yes it is possible to have blood this colour.
this may be implantation bleeding. i would take a pregnancy test if your period does not get heavier. or it may be a light period. who knows? i bet you're scared now.
See your doctor.
Yes you could be pregnant. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Answer by XxPinkPrincessxX Hi I got Implantation bleeding it can be red/pink/brown its nothing like a period 1 in 3 women get it. It can happen up2 3 days. I had Implantation bleeding mine was pink stringy blood in discharge that's all and 2 weeks later I got a period with no cramps it felt like i was not even on it was a really weird period.
see a doctor
what is the reason for getting old brown bleeding is this something serious or what because i am very worried i didn't get brown bleeding before and now the doctors says it could be old brown bleeding what is the cause of this why did this happen.
If the blood is brown it is usually old blood that is coming out leftover from your period. Red blood is a cause for concern and could mean that you may miscarry.
It is common to have light bleeding and cramps in the early stages of pregnancy. The blood is usually a dark almost brown. But not always.