It is theoretically possible to get pregnant after a tubal ligation, but extremely unlikely. If you are pregnant, then the surgeon probably botched the operation and he is civilly liable.
No, if you are having a monthly period you are probably not pregnant.
If you think you're pregnant but you don't miss your period, you're not pregnant. Regardless of having morning sickness, if you're pregnant you will MISS your period. However, my girlfriend the "know-it-all" says there are some women who have their monthly period during the entire pregnancy.
Generally speaking no, you need to determine why you are not having monthly periods, but no period usually means you are not ovulating. just means that you are pregnant.
Being sick in the morning is either you being pregnant or nat having enough sleep
---- ====== ====== well there could be bleeding during or just after having sex. but make sure to do the math in your head and make sure its not just your annual monthly period. === ===
Yes, you could be pregnant; especially if you didn't use protection.
It is more likely that you have a urinary tract infection.
no it could be that your cycle decided to take a change due to hormones,stress,medication,etc.just because your monthly was early doesnt mean your pregnant
Yes, having your tubes tied does not prevent 100% of pregnancies. My sister became pregnant 15 years after having her tubes tied.
Yes you can do a pregnancy test while in your periods. But there's no need to do it because you are 100% negative. Having monthly periods means that you are not pregnant.
Even a faint positive is a positive. And false positives are very rare. You are pregnant.