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Eating once a day really isn't good for your body, and the reason that you're still heavy, is because your metabolism is slow. It's slow because you are in fact only eating once a day, so your body is like "Hey! I'm starving, I need to hang on to every calorie I get!" Whereas, if you ate multiple small meals during the day, your body is like "I'm getting enough fuel, let me burn these calories up!"

And when you eat multiple times a day, make sure it's good stuff, not like chips, and candy, and sweets and stuff. Cheese is a really good snack food! Generally foods with protein are good, because they satisfy you a lot better.

But that's the basic reason why you're still the same size eventhough you only eat once a day. Just eat more often! It's that simple. But it has to be good stuff...I cannot stress that enough!

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Q: You eat once a day and still im fat why?
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It's not just how much you eat, but WHAT you eat. For example, if you eat Little Debbie's brownies whenever you ever have anything to eat you will still gain weight because of all the sugar, but if you eat endless amounts of celery you will lose weight because it burns calories. Also, if you starve yourself your body will go into fat conservation mode. This way, fat will burn very slowly, and when you eat the next time, it will still store more fat. The key is to eat several small meals a day. This will turn off fat conservation mode and allow the body to burn fat more easily.

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about once every week

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Eat junk food. sit on your fat ase all day and eat burgers

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It is very unhealthy but it is still safe to eat.

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Your fat cells get smaller when you eat 3 meals a day, eat healthy, and exercise regularly.

How do you get so fat you can't move?

you have to eat and eat eat all day long so make sure you eat then you will get fat and make you eat lots of fast food mostly McDonald's have fun

Why can not you get fat?

You can, you've just got to eat enough high-calorie meals per day to get fat.