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You may be diabetic. Diabetics sometimes have acetone in their breath, which can give it an alcohol smell. You should discuss this with a doctor immediately. If we are correct, your Diabetes could be quite advanced.

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Q: You do not drink but your breathe smells like alcohol?
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Why do you smell like alcohol and dont drink?

Because your body can make a chemical that smells like alcohol.

What makes my breathe smell like alcohol when i don't drink?

You probably have Indigestion.

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Sourdough smells like alcohol because during the fermentation process, yeast in the sourdough starter produces alcohol as a byproduct.

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No. He doesn't like to drink alcohol.

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Possibly something to do with sulphur please see a doctor

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'Cause their breathe smells like a rotten fish.

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Because .. wen you drink you sweat the drink out soo you smell like alcohol

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If it smells like alcohol or nail polish remover you could be a diabetic. If you are a heavy drinker, alcohol comes out of the pores, but usually does not smell like regular rubbing alcohol

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If your sourdough starter smells like alcohol, it could be due to the fermentation process producing ethanol as a byproduct. This can happen if the starter is over-fermented or if it is not being fed regularly.

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It smells really bad don't drink it! it smells like rotten socks! eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww