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1mo ago

It is possible that you have started your period. The brown stuff in your underwear is likely old blood, and the red blood on the toilet paper is fresh blood. It is a natural and normal part of growing up for girls. You may want to talk to a trusted adult or healthcare provider for guidance on what to do next.

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Q: You are twelve and today you found what looked to be brown stuff in your underwear and when you went to the bathroom there was red blood on the toilet paper did you have your period?
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How can you tell if the stain in your underwear is a period stain?

You can tell if the stain in your underwear is a period stain based on its color, which is usually dark red or brown. The timing of the stain can also be a clue, as period stains tend to occur during your menstrual cycle. Additionally, the location of the stain in the crotch area of your underwear is a common indicator of a period stain.

What is the thing in the bathroom called?

The thing in the bathroom can refer to a variety of objects. Some common items found in bathrooms include a toilet, sink, shower, bathtub, towel rack, toilet paper holder, or mirror.

How does sitting on the toilet prevent constipation?

Sitting on the toilet can facilitate better bowel movements by allowing your body to relax and assume the correct posture for going to the bathroom. This position helps to straighten the rectum and promote easier passage of stool, potentially reducing the risk of constipation.

Can sperm live on toilet paper?

Sperm can survive for a short period of time on external surfaces like toilet paper, but their ability to fertilize an egg decreases rapidly outside the body due to exposure to air and other external factors. It is unlikely for sperm to remain viable for long on toilet paper.

Say a male urinates in the toilet before and doesn't flush Then a female happens to go to the bathroom and it splashes up at their vagina Is there any way you can become pregnant from that?

No, it is highly unlikely for a female to become pregnant from toilet splashes on the vagina. Sperm would not survive long outside the body and would not be able to migrate into the vagina in this manner to cause pregnancy.

Related questions

What do you do when you get your period?

What You Do Is Either Go To The Nurse If Your In School Or You Go To A Women You Trust. If You Had Your Period Before You Know What To Do. If Nobody Is Around Go To The Bathroom And Put Toilet Paper In Your underwear. If Your Mom or Other Relative Has Pads or Tampons Use Those. If You Have Nothing, Put The Toilet Paper In Your Underwear And Walk To A Gas Station or Grocery Store. Find A Dispencer For Female Heigene Products And Put The Quarter In And Receive The product. Apply The Product.

What did women in the past ware when they had their period?

they took some tissue or toilet paper and folded it and taped it to their underwear

What do they call a bathroom in Ireland?

A bathroom is called a bathroom in Ireland. What is meant when you say "Bathroom" in Ireland is a room that has a bath. In some countries, it can mean a room that does not have a bath, but does have a toilet. Some countries are a bit uncomfortable about using the word toilet and so they use the word bathroom even when it does not have a bath in it. There is no problem about using the word toilet in Ireland, so a room without a bath, but with a toilet in Ireland is called a toilet. In Ireland, calling a room a bathroom when it does not have a bath in it, does not make sense. If there is a bath and a toilet in the room, then it is called a bathroom. Even then, someone might say they are going to the toilet, when their intention is to relieve themselves.

What do you do the protect blood from leaking through your cloths when you have your period and nothing to protect it?

you get some toilet paper and put it on your underwear like u have a pad and go to the bathroom to change it about every hour to two hours but don't go any longer or it will leak.

Can underwear go down toilet?

You will probably clog your toilet or pipes if you flush anything but toilet paper. I would not recommend trying to flush underwear down the toilet.

What are some items you find in a bathroom?

Bufferin, soap, bathtub, emery board, hair brush and Ivory soap are things found in the bathroom. Additional things include Noxzema, toilet, bandages, saline solution and underwear.

What to do when your unprepared for your period?

If it is an absolute emergency, roll up toilet paper and put it in your underwear until you get get a pad or tampon. Note: use very thick roll of toilet paper.

Where do you go to use the bathroom?

In the bathroom. On the toilet

Where is a lever in the bathroom?

A lever in the bathroom is typically found on the toilet. It is used to flush the toilet after use.

What is the song on the charmin commercial?

Charmin toilet paper commercials have a couple of different songs. One of the songs is titled "Clean Underwear". The other is titled "Bathroom Break".

What is a restroom?

It is a Bathroom or a Toilet.

Where's the toilet?

In the bathroom