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Just flirt! **Hint-Hint**! But don't be too pushy, okay?

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Q: You are sitting by your crush what do you do?
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How do you stay calm while sitting next to your crush in class?

You stay calm and try not to mind him/her..

Would you squat bend or stand when showing something to someone sitting and your crush is behind you?

none of the above... kneel for sure

What are some clues that a guy secretly has a crush on you?

If a guy secretly has a crush on you most likely he wont show it like girls do he will try to hide it by talking to you a lot sitting by you or asking you a quiestion he should already know the answer to.

Why doesn't air pressure crush an empty soft-drink that is sitting on a table in your house?

The air pressure is the same inside as outside the can.

While sitting next to your crush and he keeps coming closer to you is that a sign he likes you?

It does not nessacarily mean that he likes you, but it is a very good sign. It could also be that the person sitting on the other side of him is being disgusting or incredibly rude.

How do i talk to a boy I have a crush on when it is only me and him sitting on a math table?

Ask him to help you with a problem or ask him how he did on his last test. That should be a pretty good ice breaker ;)

Why doesn't air pressure crush an empty soft drink can that is sitting on a table in your house?

The air pressure inside and outside the can is equal, so there is no net force on the can causing it to collapse. When you crush a can, you decrease the volume inside, so the pressure outside is greater, causing it to collapse.

Crush on someone but he doesnt talk to me?

try sitting next or near him during classes if that dosnt work try saying hi to him when no-ones with him/her. hope you like my suggestion:)

What does that mean if a guy who's sitting right in front of you peeks at you by turning left and right constantly when you don't even look at him?

It means he has a crush on you our he is looking at someone else.

What does it mean when your sitting next to your crush and you say hi and you both start laughing?

Laughing together after saying hi to your crush could indicate comfort and a positive connection between the two of you. It may suggest a shared sense of humor or mutual enjoyment of each other's company. It could be a sign that there is potential for a strong bond or friendship to develop.

How energy is harmful?

I can be harmful because sometimes when a large boulder is sitting on top of a small rocky hill and it starts to move which is called kinetic energy it might crush a person hiking below

Is sitting a verb?

Yes, sit is a verb.