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If you are not pregnant, then how can you be pregnant?

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Q: You are not pregnant but when you went to the bathroom it wasnt exactly blood but it had a small tint of red could you be pregnant?
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Could you be pregnant if you are having to use the bathroom more often than before and have sore nipples?

No you do not need to be pregnant.

If im spotting with blood clots could i still be pregnant?

You can still be pregnant even though you are spotting and loosing blood clots.

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It is possible to experience vaginal bleeding when you are pregnant, but it is unlikely - it is also biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. If you think that you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant or not.

Could I be pregnant if I am having to use the bathroom a lot and have sore nipples?

its possible, take a pregnancy test to be sure

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If you are peeing blood and there is no pain anywhere in the body and you aren't peeing blood everytime you go to the bathroom what does that mean?

You could have an internal blood flood- talk to your doctor immeadatley

If im late 9 days and never been late and today you had clear discharge with a bit of blood could I be pregnant.?

Yes you could be pregnant.

If a person is two weeks pregnant and it use to hurt if they had to use the bathroom bad but now it doesn't even hurt can that be a procces of a miscarriage?

i don't think it would hurt to go to the bathroom if you were pregnant and i really would not know because i have never been pregnant before i guess it could be possible but again, i do not know because i have never been pregnant before

I feel pregnant but have had two tests and still havent come on could you be pregnant?

Yes you could still be pregnant. Blood tests are more accurate, you should probably go do one of those

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Can you give blood when taking roaccutane?

No. This is in case the blood is given to a pregnant woman which could cause birth defects.

Doctor says you are not pregnant but you are still feeling movements could she be wrong?

if you had a blood test there no doubt about you not being pregnant if you feel you are keep trying but once you take a blood test shows negotive then your not pregnant and might be illusinating