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This is an extemely delicate time of your prenancy so unless the doctor says otherwise wait! DON'T TAKE ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN! The doctor will have you come in for more frequent check-ups.

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Q: You are 38 weeks pregnant and the doctor was going to strip your membranes today but couldn't because the baby is still too high Will castor oil help get things going?
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Can Castor oil be used as anal lubricant?

Yes it works very well as an anal lubricant, but DO NOT castor if you are pregnant.

Who should not take castor oil?

Castor oil should not be used by a pregnant woman, as it can cause contractions.

How many times can you take castor oil during pregnancy?

I am a 36 mother of 4 i think i am pregnant i last saw my periods last month at the beginning of the month so can i drink castor trouble bring it down Answer Castor oil in a limited dose will help with constipation, not anything else. Take a pregnancy test and visit your doctor if you are pregnant.

What will happen of you take castor oil at 37 weeks pregnant?

You can cause yourself to go into preterm labor is you take Castor Oil before you are 30 weeks pregnant. It is suggested that you do not drink this while you are pregnant.

What would castor oil do to a women that's only one month pregnant?

It will give you a very nasty diarrhea.

I am 38 weeks pregnant 2 centimeters dialted and 25 percent effaced how do I induce with castor oil?

Castor oil is a laxative not used to induct labor. As the labor progresses and contraction becomes strong cervical dilatation will increase.

Where is the Castor Branch in Castor located?

The address of the Castor Branch is: 1955 Hwy 507, Castor, 71016 M

Will castor oil make your water break?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that castor oil induces labor or causes your water to break. It is not recommended to use castor oil to try to bring on labor, as it can cause dehydration, diarrhea, and potential complications for both the mother and the baby. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before attempting any methods to induce labor.

Is castor oil fish oil?

Castor oil is extracted from castor seeds

What occupation is a castor?

wyat is a castor

Will mice eat the castor bean?

Mice can eat castor beans, but it is not recommended as they contain ricin, a toxic compound that can be harmful to them. If you have a mouse problem, it is best to use alternative methods for control rather than relying on castor beans.

Custer sugar is?

Castor (or caster) sugar is a type of British fine sugar. It is called castor because its grains are small enough to pass through a sugar caster (sprinkler).