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Q: You are 15 weeks pregnant and having a sharp pain in your lower left abdomen?
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You are having a very light period and sharp pains in the sides of your abdomen?

You might be pregnant - take a test

Your mother is having sharp pains in her lower stomach not sure if its her abdomen but its moving upwards and is right above her bellybutton Sharp pains.. Not pregnant. serious?

It might be her appendix. I had that kind of pain too and I had to have my appendix taken out that night. go to the hostipal or call 911,

Why am I having Sharp abdomen pains and lower back pains There is a possibility I am pregnant but i have taken a test and it says negative. I feel some kind of movement in my lower abdomen. Help?

There are so many causes of abdominal and back pains it is impossible to say. You need to see a doctor. If you have not yet missed a period, that may be why the test is negative.

What does having sharp pain in lower back numbness in buttock and traveling down both legs and having bladder issues mean?

you might be pregnant

Symptoms of ruptured appendix?

Usually a sharp pain in the lower right part of the abdomen.

What could cause movement in your abdomen and sharp pains in your lower abdomen and back pain?

A kidney stone is possible, get a ultra sonogram done.

Why have i a Sharp pain that comes and go in abdomen area no period past six months?

If you have a sharp pain that comes and goes and it's in your abdomen area, and you haven't had a period in 6 months, this could mean you are pregnant. You may also have a health problem that needs to be looked at.

Why are you having sharp pains in your vagina at 36 weeks pregnant?

If you are at 36 weeks pregnant and having sharp vaginal pains, it could be caused by the cervix dilating. This can happen days or weeks prior to actual delivery.

Could I be pregnant symptoms are fluttery feeling in lower abdomen sharp pains in stomach area heartburn tired all the time extra hungry nauseous in the morning until I eat?

you should be taking a pregnancy test instead of just wondering

What are the Symptoms of appendicites?

The symptoms of appendicitis are: Vomiting Not eating much Fever Constipation Sharp pains by the lower right abdomen, but may of started of by the belly button

What could be the cause of a sharp pin like stabbing pain in your lower left abdomen?

It could be a kidney stone. Increase your fluid consumption & it will probably pass.

If you have had itchy nipples for almost a week and sharp abdomen pain with no bleeding and you want to know if you should consider yourself as being pregnant?

Don't consider yourself as pregnant until you have taken the test. I am saying that "for sure" I am pregnant but are these signs of being pregnant is my question, I have a 5yr old daughter and when I was pregnant with her I didn't have itchy nipples abdomen pain yes. I know I don't have excema because I don't have cracking in my skin but it is very uncomfortable..